When I decided to join the tour, I made the decision suddenly and without hesitation. My normal fears and anxieties were silent; it was as if someone were pushing me from behind saying “Go”. I didn’t know at that time how much I would be affected by the trip.
When we arrived in Delhi, I admit I was stunned at first; the dust, the garbage, the 5 am singing coming from the streets. As we met the people of Delhi, these feelings faded and the message became clear: Education changes the world. Literacy changes the lives of the children under the bridge, learning social values changes the lives of the people living in temporary shelters. Education is the most powerful tool in the world.
In Dharamsala, my heart grew bigger. The Tibetan people’s drive to preserve their culture while living in exile should be deeply respected worldwide. Hearing their personal stories, watching them create intricate, beautiful artwork, and feeling the energy of the crowd attending the ceremony for Dorjee Tsering are permanently etched in my memory. I never expected that I would be so deeply moved by their struggle. I truly believe they need to be supported by the people of the world.
My opinions on human rights have changed and my heart has grown, but not just from the Indian and Tibetan people we met. Rainbow Children and everyone involved on the tour were a big part in this change as well. I really needed a new perspective in my life and I’m excited to put more of my energy into worldwide change. I want to thank everyone in the group for their patience with my poor Japanese skill! I look forward to meeting everyone again!
チベット人の個人的な物語を聞き、とても繊細な工芸品や美術を拝見し、Dorjee Tseringの葬式のために集まった民衆たちのエネルギーを体感したことは、生涯忘れることはないでしょう。